

Same thing as The Meetup but for fathers. We will circle up and talk about what’s good, what’s hard, and everything in-between.


Open to all who identify as a father: bio-, step-, trans-, foster-, etc.- . This session is led by Janie Glassmith and Marissa Honjiyo.

Note: If childcare falls through or isn’t an option, young kids are welcome to come along.

how much

All Good Mother events operate under a sliding scale model ranging from $5-$20. The suggested cost is $15. However, this is always coupled with a whole hearted invitation to do what you need and contribute what you’re able.

If none of these prices work for you, email us at and we’ll reserve a spot for you.

March 22

9-10 am
Highland Park

April 26

9-10 am
Highland Park

May 24

9-10 am
Highland Park