about us

Good Mother is a holding place.

What do we mean by “mother”?

Mothering is an identity, an experience, an action, and a role. None of us would exist without a mother. And, at the same time, most of us have likely been “mothered” by more than one person in our lifetime. A lot of people offer this kind of care–spanning genders, generations, and traditional family structures. The truth is, mothering and mothers touch everything and everyone and those who mother are numerous and diverse. Good Mother is a resource for anyone navigating these waters.

Why mothers?

Motherhood is extremely limiting and wildly expanding. It is beautiful and intense, happy and sad, scary and exhilarating, a burden and a gift, and, and, and… There are so many ways to experience this thing and the truth is: motherhood is not a fixed state. We are in a constantly evolving relationship with this part of ourselves.

There is an article in the Atlantic where Sarah Walker says becoming a mother is like “discovering the existence of a strange new room in the house where you already live.” This is a good description. It starts with matrescence (becoming a mom), and then, the discovery just keeps on going as we and the people around us change. There is so much opportunity to know ourselves a little more, so much need for support, and so much room for connectivity internally and interpersonally. Good Mother is a space make some sense of all this in the company of other people.

Our main goal is to be a well of support and a means of connection. Everything we offer is for and about the experience of mothering but anyone is welcome.